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Waterloo Road Community Pre-School Local Offer

Waterloo Road Pre-School is situated within a Methodist church hall which comprises of a main room, with toilets accessed up a large corridor. We have direct access to our enclosed outside area. The Pre-School is situated on the ground floor and is accessible to adults and children with disabilities.

Our Staff offer a range of experience and qualifications. Three members of staff hold a Level 3 NVQ in Childcare, three currently a Level 2, and one with Qualified Teacher Status. We have one SENCo who regularly attends local workshops. This is then fed back to all staff regularly to ensure we work together to provide the best possible outcomes for all of our children.

We provide an environment in which all children, including those with special educational needs (SEN) are supported to reach their full potential by:

  • We adhere to the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice (2015) set out by the Department for Education.

  • We designate a member of staff to be the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) and give his/her name to parents. Our SENCo is:  Emma Clements.

  • We strive for our provision to be inclusive to all children with special educational needs and disabilities.

  • Pre-School has a key-worker system, in which a member of staff will work closely with the child and his/her family.    

  • The key-worker will work closely with parents and SENCo to create and maintain a positive relationship as well as to plan how best to support the child. This can include the help of the area SENCo and other professionals through a referral process to meet individual children needs.   

  • We encourage our parents to be involved in our planning. This is helpful, especially for SEN children. This can be while talking to the child’s key-worker on arrival or during our planned meetings with parents.       

  • We monitor and review our policy, practice and provision and, if necessary, make adjustments.

  • We ensure that the provision for children with special educational needs and disabilities is the responsibility of all members of the setting.

  • We have termly meetings with all parents to discuss progress; however with SEN children this may be more regular to discuss specific areas.

  • We work with other professionals involved with children and family, sharing information regarding progress, needs and agreeing targets, through meetings and phone conversations. We also attend meetings regarding transfer arrangements to other settings and schools.

  • We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum or Developmental Journal for all children with special educational needs and disabilities

  • We use an Assess, Plan, Do, Review system for record keeping of planning, implementing, monitoring, evaluating and reviewing individual SEN support plans for children with special educational needs and disabilities.

  • We provide resources to implement our Special Educational Needs Policy.

  • If required we provide in-service training for practitioners, volunteers and parents.

  • We review through on ongoing reflection the effectiveness of our special educational needs and disabilities provision.

  • When medication is required one member of staff will administer the medicine and this will be witnessed by another member of staff and recorded in the child’s medication form. When the child is collected the child’s, parents will be shown the entry and sign the record.        

  • All staff are very experienced and confident in providing personal care.        

  • To help with Personal Social and Emotional development we use Inclusive communication. Our staff have attended ‘Inclusive Communication’ training.

  • For any planned trips and activities, we make sure we are adequately staffed as our adult: child ratio is higher.

  • A risk assessment of the activity is completed in advance and shared with all adults.

  • We have good connections with our local schools, allowing us to work in close partnership to ensure the children’s transition to school is as smooth as possible.

  • Before entry to school we provide each educational institute with the child’s transition to school report and discussion with the teacher will take place.


Our setting recognises each child as an individual therefore before any decision is made on how to best meet the child’s needs we would liaise with parents, our SENCo, the area SENCo and any other professionals who are already involved with the child. We will then work together to put appropriate measures in place to help both parents and the child and plan accordingly for their individual needs. A school entry plan meeting would be held.

For further information:

Please contact us on:

01823 661676

Or email:



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